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Louis Bland Review

For those of you who were not able to purchase The Gingerbreads match day programme on Saturday. Here is the article from Louis Bland, which highlights his future for the Club..

Good afternoon and may I start with wishing everyone a happy new year and hopefully a better year than 2023.

My first me writing any programme notes for this job and it’s one where I want to get my points across regarding the decision to bring myself back. We need to change the club from top to bottom. It’s been in a bad way since the step three play off season six years ago now. We’ve been fighting relegation on year on year and have been saved twice by Covid. This club needs a reset and we may have to have short term pain for long term gain.

Grantham as a football club needs to be self sustainable and last season it wasn’t and left the club in a massive financial crisis but thanks to the work of the board over the summer and Rawds since taking over has kept it going or this club could have gone under.

My job here on the football side is to get an idendity of how we are going to play going forward and one the fans can get behind and enjoy going to games. We want to get to a stage where if we do lose games people still enjoy what they’ve seen and that’s the most important thing as we are a entertainment business.

We are going to have to be young and local and that’s the way Rawds has identified the club has to go. To encourage more fans in the ground but also for people to know that Grantham is a place for young players to develop and want to play for this magnificent club.

The club over the last five seasons have got the same old journeymen who come and pick up there wages and don’t care for the club. This group do care massively and I know the results have not been great but they want to do well for the club,

Can I also say the fans away support has been fantas c and your support is always appreciated. At home I know it’s difficult with the running track to create and atmosphere but you do a fantastic job at home too. I know it’s hard to keep supporting in hard times but like I said previously short pain has to be the way forward to break this cycle.

We already have fantastic volunteers and they all do a great job but we always need more. We need to connect the team, volunteers and fans more. The more volunteers we have the easier it will be. For all the volunteers we have at the moment we really do appreciate you for all you do so thank you.

My three previous games in charge have been difficult but we’ve shown signs of competing. We just need to fine tune certain areas of the game and we will be fine. It will take me on the training field and with the games coming thick and fast over Christmas there has been little chance for training sessions until l this week. We will see the benefits of these sessions moving forward.

We’ve got two massive games coming up starting today and with the work the boys have put in this week we hope we can put a performance in the fans can be proud of.

Thank you again for all your tremendous support and I will make it my responsibility to make 2024 a great year for this club.

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