Supporters Club
Grantham Town Supporters Club
Grantham Town Supporters Club has existed in various forms going right back to the 1950's (possibly earlier!). Its' latest reformation took place in 1997. At the time, support was increasing after many years in the doldrums. A group of supporters wanted to do more to raise money and represent supporters' interests. Re-formed on the back of a change in lottery, the Supporters club has carried on doing what it set out to do ever since.
The aims of the Supporters Club are still as they were when it was re-formed in 1997. The club has three main aims:
To act as a fund-raising entity for, but independent of, The Football Club
To act for the benefit of Supporters Club members
To raise issues with The Football Club concerning supporters
Grantham Town Supporters Club members regularly raise funds by 'Beat The Goalie' and 'Spin The Wheel' at local events.
Achievements To Date
Since 1997, the club has raised between £200,000 and £300,000 for GTFC. This has been donated to Grantham Town Football Club for a number of uses over the years. The Supporters Club paid the whole £45,000 CVA on behalf of the football club in the years between 1999 and 2004, at the same time making donations to cover the cost of away travel for the first team. With the CVA paid off, the Supporters Club have covered the printing costs of the match day programme for the football club as well as continuing to cover away travel costs.
Over the years, the Supporters Club have raised many issues with the Board and their contribution to Grantham Town FC is recognised through a Board Representative to ensure the Supporters Club have a direct input to Grantham Town activities.
The Lottery
The Supporters Club still runs a successful lottery. For only £1 a week, fans have the chance to win weekly cash prizes; the first prize is currently £200 each week. Contact Fred Jones fredjones52@virginmedia.com , 07742275278 who will happily enrol you.
The lottery is proudly sponsored by R J Gardening
The Benefits And How To Join
To join the Supporters club costs £10 for an adult and £5.00 for a child. This is for a full membership year. You will be sent a reminder to re-new your membership for the next year.
Members receive,
10% discount on club shop merchandise
Reduced cost on Supporters Club travel
Discount on future membership
To join, please send an email to ian.death@hotmail.com
Current Officials
Chairperson - Graham Cowell.
Vice Chair - Andy Hides.
Membership Secretary - Ian De'ath.
Treasurer - Martin Scoffield.
Trustee - Andy Hides.
Lottery Manager - Fred Jones.
Assistant Lottery Manager - Alan Smith.
Lottery Committee - Dave Philpotts, Chris Jackson, Ali Beardsley.
Board Representative - Ian De'Ath.
Social Representative - Chris Jackson, David Howitt.
Supporters Club Representative On The Board - Ian De'Ath.
Travel Representative - Dave Philpotts